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Health for All
A Doctor’s Prescription for a Healthier Canada
Tags: accessibility, adequate housing, Alberta, Alberta books, Alberta Views, Book review, book reviews, books, community programs, democracy, education, employment, equity, faith, family doctor, federal minister, health, Health for All, healthcare, healthcare system, healthier canada, income, Jane Philpott, mental health, mother, optimal health, personal experiences, physiotherapists, politician, primary care, primary care home, public education, public health, publicly funded medicine, social determinants, social workers, universal healthcare, Vamini Selvanandan, West African
October 1, 2024
Remembering Our Relations
Dënesųłıné Oral Histories of Wood Buffalo National Park
Tags: Alberta, Alberta books, Alberta Views, Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation, Book review, book reviews, books, Community history, Dene, Dene Elders, Denesuline Oral Histories of Wood Buffalo National Park, Dënesųłıné Elders, Dënesųłıné Oral Histories, elders, Indigenous knowledge, Indigenous people, Indigenous rights, Indigenous Stories, Non fiction, Peter Fortna, Remembering our Relations, Sabina Trimble, Sarah Carter, Treaty 8, University of calgary press, WBNP, Wood Buffalo National Park
Counting Bones
Anatomy of Love Lost and Found
Tags: Alberta, Alberta author, Alberta books, Alberta Views, avalanche, Book review, climbing, Counting Bones, death, Death of a loved one, Elaine Morin, Ellen Anderson Penno, End of the Rope, Fragile Edge, Goleman Glacier, Grays Anatomy, grief, hypotenusing, Ian Kraabel, Jan Redford, letters, Maria Coffey, med school, medical school, Medicine, Memoir, Mount Baker, Mountains, Newest press, old diaries, Penno, Philosophy, the sympathetic nerve, trauma, young love
In Line at Walmart with All the Other Damned
It’s unlikely. It’s in character. It’s real. It’s beautiful.
Tags: Alberta, Alberta books, Alberta Views, Alex Rettie, animals, Book review, book reviews, books, Boxer, Boxing, caricature, comedy, Cormac McCarthy, Cowboy Jamboree Press, fiction, Grit, Gritty, high-school dropout, In Line at Walmart with All the Other Damned, It's a goddamn shame, Mark Anthoy Jarman, Passey, personality, short stories, short story, Steve Passey, Taber, The Mick, tragedy
The Wings of Change
What is happening to local bird populations?
Tags: 1960s, aerial insect-feeders, agrochemical industry, Alberta, Alberta birds, Alberta Views, American avocet, american robin, American white pelican, aquatic insects, Backyard Bird Feeding, Baird's sparrows, Bald eagles, Baltimore oriole, bank swallows, barn swallows, Beaverhill Bird Observatory, Beaverhill Lake, biodiversity, biotoxin, birding, birdlife, Birds, birdwatcher, birdwatching, black capped chickadee, black-billed magpie, black-crowned night heron, black-necked stilt, Blue jays, Bow river, burrowing owl, calgary, Canadian Wildlife Service, canola farming, cavity nesters, cedar waxwing, chestnut-collared longspur, chipping sparrow, Christmas bird count, Cleve Wershler, climate change, Climate trap, common goldeneye duck, common grackle, confluence, conservation, corn, DDT, deforestation, duck, ecological report, edmonton, Edmonton river valley, Elbow river, Ellis Bird Farm, eurasian collared doves, feature article, ferruginous hawk, ferruginous hawks, flycatcher, Fort Edmonton, Geoff Holroyd, grassland birds, grasslands, Gregg Lake, gulls, Health Canada, hermit thrushes, Hinton, house finches, house wren, insectivores, irrigation reservoirs, Ivermectin, Kevin Van Tighem, loggerhead shrike, long-billed curlew, long-billed curlews, magpies, meadowlarks, midges, Mill Woods, monocrop agriculture, monoculture, mountain bluebirds, Myrna Pearman, Neonicotinoids, neonics, nesting trees, nighthawks, nighttime owl adventuresm Beaverhill Snow Goose Festival, North American Bird Conservation Initiative, northern flicker, Northern saw-whet owl, October 2024, osprey, ovenbirds, parasites, peregrine falcons, pesticide, pesticides, pileated woodpeckers, prairie birds, prairie falcons, prairies, purple martin, ravens, red deer, red-breasted nuthatch, regenerated forests, shorebirds, songbirds, Swainson's thrushes, swallows, Sylvan Lake, tree swallows, trees, upland sandpiper, urban birds, urbanization, vireos, Wallace Stegner, water birds, wetlands, white-faced ibis, wild rose country, woodland birds, yellow warbler
Apples on a Windowsill
An expansive book on still life, art, poetry and living.
Tags: Alberta Poetry, Alberta Views, Apples on a Windowsill, Book review, catherine owen, Moving to Delilah, Shawna Lemay, Still Life
The Game of Giants
“I was about a yardstick away from myself”
Tags: Alberta, Alberta books, Alberta Views, bisexual, Book review, book reviews, books, calgary, camping, developmental delay, disability, Douglas, education, educational psychologist, fiction, FLK, Freehand books, Funny looking Kid, Glen Huser, homelessness, interior novel, Lesbian, LGBTQ, Marion Douglas, novel, Ontario, preschool, Rose Brury, Southern Alberta, speaech therapist, Special Ed, special-needs, The Game of Giants
Back from the Deep
How Gene and Sandy Ralston Serve the Living by Finding the Dead
Tags: Alaska, Back from the Deep, bodies, body recovery, Cailynn Klingbeil, calgary, canada, cathartic, corpse, death, Doug Horner, drowning, Drowning victims, Gene and Sandy Ralston, Idaho, Kathy G, motorhome, Ralstons, search-and-recovery, sonar, sonar technology, specialists, underwater search, volunteer
By gay I mean wondrous, the sun hitting our thankless bodies
Tags: 2024 books, Alberta, Alberta books, Alberta Views, authorities, Book review, book reviews, books, defiant, Deviant, DNA evidence, Edouard Louis, Emerald City, gay, gay-male, Gen-Y, hookup culture, intimate partner violence, John Barton, LGBTQ, Male aggression, millennial, Paris, Patrick Grace, Plentitude, poetry, police, queer, Queer desire, rape, teenagers, University of Alberta Press
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