By Andrew Guilbert In Book Reviews, CulturePosted March 6, 2017Who Needs Books? Reading in the Digital Ageby Lynn Coady READ MORE
By Angus Leech In Book Reviews, CulturePosted March 6, 2017The Digital Nexus: Identity, Agency and Political Engagementedited by Raphael Foshay READ MORE
By Evan Osenton In Culture, Feature, LiteraryPosted January 1, 2008A Brilliant Decade for the BooksIt’s quite possible that the last decade will be remembered as the golden age of Alberta literature. READ MORE
By Shelley Mardiros In Culture, Feature, LiteraryPosted January 1, 2001Spreading the WordGovernment policy in Alberta is to cut funding and promote user fees. For libraries, this trend has diminished people’s access to books and information. Two “radical” projects—one [...] READ MORE