Benefits of advertising in Alberta Views
Your message reaches 10,000 households, libraries and doctors’ offices for a readership of 30,000.
Most of our readers have purchased the magazine through subscriptions or on newsstand. They value it enough to pay for it. They read it from cover to cover and keep copies for reference for months and years. The majority of other magazines in Alberta are free. They may or may not be read. Booking into a magazine with a strong subscriber base assures you that people see your ad.
Alberta Views is respected and trusted. We have earned credibility by the quality of our content and the rigour with which we fact check our articles. We have earned the admiration of our peers, winning Magazine of the Year at the National Magazine Awards and at the Western and Alberta Magazine Awards. Your ad benefits from a “halo effect” through association with our strong reputation.
Alberta Views chooses to have few ads in its pages and so your message is not lost in a sea of other ads. In our 64 pages, only 10 are allocated for advertising. Our readers have a strong relationship with the magazine and our advertising becomes part of the fabric of our content.
The right message will inspire our readers and they will carry it forward. They are members of community associations, faculty and other professional associations, political parties and other groups. They work in influential positions, as professors, doctors, lawyers, civil servants and MLAs. In our annual survey, 89 per cent of our readers say they spoke to colleagues and neighbours about something they read in the magazine. When you advertise in Alberta Views, you reach a well-informed audience who will share information within the communities to which they belong. When you reach one of them, you reach the many people they influence.
In our pages you reach a valuable boomer demographic. Over 80% of our readers fit into this target market and exemplify the habits of this group. They have enormous spending power and dedicate a large portion of their household income to discretionary spending, such as donating, attending events and travelling.
Our readers own their own homes and earn mid- to upscale incomes yet they are part of a generation often ignored by marketers. Our readers see plays, they buy art and books, and they buy consumer goods and cars. They care about the environment and favour companies that demonstrate social responsibility.
In our pages you reach a political audience. Politically engaged citizens and politicians across the province read Alberta Views. We send the magazine to each MLA’s office, but many of them already subscribe at home. Our readers are community leaders and government workers who care deeply about what’s happening in Alberta and how they can be informed and involved.
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