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A Premier’s Promises
Freedom, no turbines, rain
Tags: Alberta, canada health act, danielle smith, Fred Stenson, johnnie backstrom, politics, rain, sovereignty, utilities
November 1, 2023
The Book of Rain
A novel
Tags: fiction, marc herman lynch, random house canada, speculative, thomas wharton
A novel
Tags: Bar Q, Cattle, cows, Invisible Publishing, Jennifer McDougall, ranch, ranching, Winnifred Eaton, Winnifred Eaton Archive
Alberta Was His Finest Laboratory
The passing of world-renowned improvisation guru Keith Johnstone
Tags: Alberta, Alberta culture, Better Call Saul, Bob Odenkirk, calgary, culture, Keith Johnstone, Kids in the Hall, performance, theatre, Theatresports
Reimagining Fire:
Fire was once our primary driver. It permitted us to survive harsh weather, broaden our diet and preserve our food. Indigenous cultures around the world worked with fire to renew land through regenerative burning practices—and continue to do so. Fire was heat, heart, hearth: a communal space to gather around and share our stories. Over […]
Tags: Chris Turner, energy, Jenna Butler, poetry
Getting Off the Roller Coaster
How we can end Alberta’s wild fiscal ride
Tags: Alberta, budget, danielle smith, economy, energy, Gas, government, oil, oil royalties, politics, Rachel Notley
Who Wants Albertans to Gamble More?
All of us
Tags: addiction, Alberta, Bishop Fred Henry, Casinos, gambling, Online gambling, poker, Social credit, VLTs
October 1, 2023
Searching for Happy Valley
A Modern Quest for Shangri-La
Tags: Alberta, catherine owen, happiness, Indigenous, Jane Marshall, morocco, nepal, sundance, wellness
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