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Cherries Bar Cherries
It soothes me. Numbs all my worries in a way nothing else can.
Tags: Alberta, cafe, fiction, gambling, Joy Norstrom, VLTs
October 1, 2023
Eat Alberta First
A Year of Local Recipes from Where the Prairies Meet the Mountains
Tags: Alberta, alberta food tours, Elizabeth Chorney-Booth, farm, food, Karen Anderson, sustainability
How Strong a Mandate…?
Issues you don’t campaign on
Tags: Alberta, Canada Pension Plan, Canada Revenue Agency, danielle smith, election, Graham thomson, pensions, Taxes
Reinventing the Western
How Alberta changed a film genre
Tags: Alberta, Dustin Hoffman, film, Little Big Man, Mary Graham, Morley reserve, Nakoda, the Revenant, Western
The Ghost of You
Short stories
Tags: C.S. Wiesenthal, Canadian Literature, fiction, Laberinto Press, Margarita Saona, scholars, short stories
Oldman’s River
New and Collected Poems
Tags: Alberta, books, coyotes, Jay Gamble, nature, Poems, Sid Marty
Leaving Wisdom
A novel
Tags: calgary, Karen Press, prairies, saskatchewan, Sharon Butala, Thistledown
Disinformation Ain’t Free
A troll-farmer speaks out
Tags: cyber bullying, disinformation, farming, Fred Stenson, misinformation, online bullying, online trolls, rage, right wing populism, trolling, trolls
September 1, 2023
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