Should the Arts be Publicly Funded?
A dialogue between Owais Lightwala and Colin Craig
In Focus: Handsome Alice Theatre
Calgary’s Handsome Alice Theatre is taking its efforts to give a voice to women one step further with inVISIBLE, a collaborative project involving members of the community whose perspectives are [...]
In Focus: Alberta Craft Council Calgary
The Alberta Craft Council has at last realized its goal of creating a physical presence in the southern half of the province. The council, which was founded in 1979 and operates Edmonton’s [...]
The Disappearing Critic
What will replace newspapers as the source of quality arts criticism?
In Focus: Edmonton Int. Choral Festival
Pro Coro Canada is launching a new Edmonton International Choral Festival that will wrap with a large gala choir performance.
In Focus: Mile Zero Dance
Mile Zero Dance’s new work will pay tribute to Edmonton’s Great Western Garment Company, which was founded in 1911 and became the largest workwear manufacturing company in Canada before closing [...]
300 Kids Create an Opera
Hillhurst School’s Doppel
Hometown Arts
The arts in Fort McMurray are on life support. Can they be saved?
Creative Space
Can the creative sector help stabilize Alberta’s boom-bust economy?