
Photo essay

By Martin Weinhold

WorkSpace Canada “examines the individual choices people make in a society where most of us are bound to gainful employment.” Weinhold has taken 4,000 photographs from across Canada for this project, all of them shot in black and white. Many have been purchased by Library and Archives Canada. The photos here were all taken in Alberta.

Weinhold on his photography: “I want to document changes in the world of work. What are we doing when we work? What are the qualities of work and how do they relate to our most precious good, the given lifetime? I’m interested in the relation between the person and the respective work space. People are shaped by their environment. In the beginning very few people are crazy about being photographed, but when they see that my general idea is fuelled by respect for what they do and who they are, the attitude often changes. Here, it’s okay to be ‘just’ a truck driver.

Abella C. Garcia, in-home caregiver, Fort McMurray, November 2018.

Bruno Guay, steamer, Fort McKay, November 2018.

Bev Milne, administrative assistant, and Alcide (“Massey”) Boucher, elder, trapper (with dog “Buck”), Alberta Metis Local 1935, Fort McMurray, October 2018.

Shane Miller, range rider, community pasture near Buffalo, October 2011.


Robert Knight and Shayne Clarke, mechanics, Caribou Industrial Park, Fort McKay, November 2018.


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