Canada is… Broken?

A scale of deception beyond belief

By Fred Stenson

It seems that Canada is broken, and, like for so many other things, the COVID-19 pandemic is to blame. But hold on right there. Is COVID to blame… or is it the people who claim COVID exists? That’s the question I’m here to ask.

Many of us believe that the federal government, the Liberals, broke Canada by claiming that COVID-19 was real and then restricting economic activity and liberty based on that notion. Admittedly the rest of the world was similarly duped, but, in Canada, it was the Liberal Party, functioning as Canada’s government, that tried to stop COVID. As conservative thinkers are now helping us understand, it’s very hard to distinguish between something’s having been prevented (by, say, a vaccine) from that same something not having existed in the first place. You see how knotted and twisted this is? But we are dealing here with a high level of deviousness, and we must be willing to pick apart each knot and twist as it comes.

So, how did billions of people on this planet come to be so deceived? The World Health Organization would have us believe that over seven million people have died from COVID-19. The same organization claims COVID is still active, still killing people—5,000 in the last 28 days (at press time), 4,000 of those in the US. (About which we canny folks on the right ask: But how many would have died anyway?)

As with all things, one has to consider the source. That is to say: who is WHO? I did some research. The World Health Organization has 194 member nations. It was created by the United Nations in 1947. WHO led a campaign to eradicate smallpox, and it claims smallpox was eradicated in 1980. A person wants to believe that, but remember, this is the same organization that claims COVID exists and is still killing people. I might as well throw in what my Uncle Ed told me. Ed’s no fool, and a great aunt of his died of smallpox in the 1920s. Ed says smallpox eradicated itself and these WHO guys took the credit. That sounds right.

It’s simply true that you have to watch Liberals and New Democrats all the time. They’ll tell you any old thing. For instance, while our conservative politicians, every day in the House of Commons, are exhaustively listing the ways that Canada is broken, the politicians on the other side of the House have the cheek to say it’s not broken. How do they back that up? One thing they do is quote lists. I’ll give you an example: a list of countries that people say they’d most like to live in. On this list, Canada ranks number one. I looked this up on the internet, and, I’ll tell you, that’s one bogus list. Canada is number one, all right, but it says the US is 17th ! All Canadian conservatives know that the US is the best country in the world; better than Canada by far.

Soon we can go back to dealing with disease and contagion in the good old ways. First and foremost: denial.

Something else global think tanks have estimated is how much COVID-19 hurt the world economy. One estimate is the economy took a hit of $360-billion (US). See what happens when you claim a disease exists that doesn’t exist? Obviously, the world would be much better off with the conservative-preferred scenario that COVID-19 did not ever and does not now exist. Had COVID’s non-existence been recognized from the start, we wouldn’t be waiting months for a new car or garage door. And very likely, without the disruptions of COVID-19 and the Liberals’ efforts to deal with it, your kids wouldn’t be having trouble in school. We’re told there are a great many emotional problems in post-pandemic broken Canada, and, as conservatives, we’re confident these were caused by forced social separation (Liberal policy). There may also be a greater tendency for disequilibrium in the jellied liberal mind. Real conservatives are thicker skinned; thicker in general.

It used to be that the problem with liberals, especially in government, was that they kept interfering with the wealth-generating blessings of the free-market economy. They hampered capitalist genius through taxation. Of course, that didn’t go away; they still hamper, tamper and tax. But now, by inventing diseases and creating vaccines to prevent the invented diseases, they are creating the scenarios voters least trust conservatives to deal with. Invent a disease… then invent vaccines against the disease… then urge people to take the vaccine. Then pump money into the economy to deal with the recession caused by the invented disease. Then tell people to stay away from each other so they aren’t breathed on by people with the invented disease. What a racket!

What we can all feel blessed and thankful for is that the political parties pushing the message that COVID doesn’t exist and that “Canada is Broken,” the conservative parties, are the ones with traction. Canada will soon be led by conservatives, and, when we are all in power together, we can go back to dealing with disease and contagion in the good old ways. First and foremost: denial. Second: don’t search, don’t find. Keep the numbers down. That’s the conservative way.

Fred Stenson’s many books include the novels Who By Fire, The Trade, Lightning and The Great Karoo.


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