Seeing Martin

Su Croll is the author of three books of poetry. Seeing Martin is her first novel, but her elegiac, nuanced, beautifully descriptive writing could easily be her fourth book of poetry. Seeing [...]


At this particular historical moment, when the rhythms and rituals of grief and belonging are upended by the reality of a global pandemic, A.B. Dillon’s latest book of poems offers insight into [...]

Light on a Part of the Field

The Shuswap country in British Columbia is a unique place. Among the houseboats, costly beachfront condos, fruit stands and highway attractions are old, humidity-warped country homes tucked in [...]

Revery: A Year of Bees

Picture a beekeeper. What image forms in your head? What gender? What cultural background? What uniform? What tools? What demeanour? With Revery: A Year of Bees, poet, professor, organic farmer [...]

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