Deliverance from Flood
Pitting city against country
Big Muddy
I needed to connect with the brother I’d grown up with
You Can’t Stay Here
Frank O’Connor, the great Irish author, described a writer as one who sets a mirror in the roadway and then goes about describing what he or she sees reflected there. Edmonton author Jasmina Odor [...]
The Writing on the Wall:
The Work of Joane Cardinal-Schubert
The Shoe on the Roof
A woman dies on the operating table. Her spirit, untethered from her body, floats beyond the walls of the hospital. Once revived, she describes seeing a shoe on the roof. Doctors are skeptical of [...]
Give and Take:
The Citizen-Taxpayer and the Rise of Canadian Democracy
Meet the Minister: Shaye Anderson
AV: Why seek office? Why the NDP? So where I grew up, the Cowichan Valley, is a big resource area. My dad’s in forestry, as are a lot of people I know. And when I was born, in 1975, Tommy [...]
City vs. Country Virtues
A dialogue between Sid Marty and Chris Turner