Seen But Not Seen: Influential Canadians and the First Nations from the 1840s to Today
Seen But Not Seen is an eminent historian’s portrait gallery: faces of the long century in which Canada was constituted, treaties made, the West settled, residential schools established and [...]
Coconut. Brown on the outside and white on the inside. A term that has been hurled at me by South Asian brown folks who think I’m not brown enough, not South Asian or Sikh/Punjabi enough, and [...]
The Lesson of Lougheed
A better Alberta is always possible
Lougheed: The Arrival of Modern Alberta
The dirty thirties were not kind to Alberta. The Great Depression had ravaged farms, families and fortunes. In Calgary, as his grandson watched with foreboding, the estate of Senator Sir James [...]
Online Learning
Post-secondary education’s great pandemic experiment
The Assault on Higher Education
The UCP wants job-skills factories
Dissonant Methods: Undoing Discipline in the Humanities Classroom
Ada S. Jaarsma and Kit Dobson frame this anthology with relevant questions about the time we’re in: How do we teach, and think about teaching, when in certain quarters post-secondary education is [...]