By Kevin Van Tighem In Columns, Environment, WildlifePosted July 1, 2018Welcome, StrangersAre weeds our next nature? READ MORE
By Kevin Van Tighem In Columns, WildlifePosted July 1, 2018Don’t Fence Me InWild bison are coming back to Alberta. Are we ready? READ MORE
By Kevin Van Tighem In Columns, WildlifePosted May 1, 2018Gods’ FootprintsTrampling Alberta’s warblers. READ MORE
By Kevin Van Tighem In Columns, WildlifePosted January 1, 2018Hunting in JasperReconciling the national park idea. READ MORE
By Trina Moyles In Feature, WildlifePosted July 1, 2017The Mystery of Ursus arctosSearching for grizzlies in Alberta’s boreal READ MORE
By Jeff Gailus In Environment, Feature, WildlifePosted July 1, 2015On the BrinkAlberta's indifference to species at risk. READ MORE
By Karsten Heuer In Cities, Environment, Feature, WildlifePosted July 1, 2009The Big SqueezeCan wildlife and hyperdevelopment coexist in the Bow Valley? READ MORE
By Clem Martini In Environment, Feature, WildlifePosted July 1, 2008Whose Woods Are These?If we lose our connection to wilderness, we risk losing the forests themselves. Illustrations by Olivier Martini. READ MORE
By Geo Takach In Environment, Feature, WildlifePosted July 1, 2006Rattus Non GratusAlberta’s ongoing crusade against a gnawful enemy. READ MORE
By Jeff Gailus In Feature, WildlifePosted December 1, 2005Alberta’s Grizzly CenturyGrizzly bears are important both as a symbol of Alberta’s rugged wilderness and as an ecological indicator. But are we willing to save the grizzlies from our own intrusion into their territory? READ MORE