Photo Essay
Brave New World
INFOCUS PHOTO EXHIBIT These images are from the seventh annual InFocus, an exhibition of contemporary Canadian photography curated by Alexis Marie Chute and Aaron Chute, at Wild Skies Gallery in [...]
Year of Unrest
The pandemic wasn’t all we had to cope with in 2020. There was turmoil across Alberta. Protesters blockaded CN Rail’s line west of Edmonton to oppose a gas pipeline in BC. Moms Stop The Harm held [...]
“I ran through Edmonton between March 19 and May 6 taking photos. I call my photography ‘runtography,’ as I shoot while I’m running with a DSLR I carry in a backpack. Besides the pandemic, the [...]
Calgary’s Chinatown has been relocated twice—first in 1886, after a fire on Stephen Avenue destroyed half the neighbourhood, and again in 1910 when a CPR proposal to build a hotel in the vicinity [...]
Conflict Between Humans and Wildlife
Photo Essay by Dan Rafla
Who Keeps the Honey Industry Alive?
Every year hundreds of men from Central America and the Philippines come under the Temporary Foreign Worker Program to work as beekeepers in northern Alberta. In 2018 Canada produced $196,600,000 [...]
Lens of Respect
Celebrating the Chipewyan Prairie Dene way of life.